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Chocolate Fridge Cake

This a recipe for chocolate fridge cake. It’s a basic recipe that you can add whatever extra bits or change ingredients depending on your tastes. I’ve added some suggested alternatives at the end. This is a good recipe for doing with children, as they can do most of it apart from the melting chocolate bit and they normally love eating it too !!!

rocky road fridge chocolate cake

250g digestive biscuits
150g milk chocolate
150g plain chocolate
3 tbsp golden syrup
100g raisins
100g butter

Put both chocolates, butter and golden syrup into a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. This is to stop the chocolate splitting as it heats. Keep stirring occasionally until its all melted.

Put the biscuits into a food bag and bash them into pieces with a rolling pin. Keeping some slightly bigger bits makes a nice mix. The children like this bit.

Line a 8in square shaped tin with cling film/plastic wrap , take it over the edges. This is to help you tip it out when it’s ready

Empty the biscuits into a bowl and add the raisins, then pour over the melted chocolate mixture. Stir it all together.

Spoon the mixture into the lined tin, level it and press it down firmly with the back of a spoon.

rocky road fridge chocolate cake

Once it’s cooled a bit put it in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours to set.

Once set, turn the cake out and peel off the clingfilm. Cut the cake into squares, eat and enjoy.


This recipe used digestive biscuits but for a change you could try a different biscuit in the mixture, such as a ginger snap, or a rich tea. You can also add extra things into the recipe ..

Nuts - any unsalted nuts that you like, such as pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, either a single type or as a mix, roughly chop them and add about 70g. This will help add some protein, and more nutritional value to the recipe too.

Dried fruit - This recipe already has raisins in, but you could add as well or instead of these some different dried fruit such as apricots or cranberries.

Some crunch - You can try adding more sweet stuff like bits of broken up honeycomb, or meringue.

Marshmallows - adding some marshmallows to this basic fridge cake recipe will turn it into what is normally referred to as rocky road.

Chocolate - You can try changing the chocolate in the recipe too, try using a mint chocolate or orange chocolate or any other flavour you think might be nice.

Christmas - For a nice combination around christmas time or autumn/fall if you are having a Halloween or bonfire party try using ginger biscuits and orange chocolate and then adding some nuts. It adds a lovely spicy feel that's great at this time of year.

The basic recipe is quite chocolaty so you have room to add in extra ingredients, which will still be covered by the melted chocolate mixture enabling it all to stick together and set properly. I suggest you don’t use more than about an extra 150g of ingredients, depending on what as it also depends on volume as well as weight, so you will be able to add less weight of marshmallows as they are light for their size, to enable it to still set. For a more informal approach if you make up the basic recipe and then keep adding and mixing in handfuls of the extra ingredients until just before there is no more chocolate mix to cover it adequately, then it should set.

You can really personalise this recipe however you like to your taste and the event you are making it for. Making it basic for everyday family eating, and special toppings for birthday tea cakes etc. If you want to be truly indulgent you can melt chocolate and pour it over the top, a white chocolate topping or pattern over the top looks nice, and to be really truly extra indulgent you could top with chocolate and then decorate the top with chocolate buttons, jelly sweets etc, you get the idea.