




Books and Literacy


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Activities for Children

Welcome to greatlittleminds.com. We have a wide variety of free activities for children including colouring, recipes, things to do, reviews, literacy and maths resources and much more.

Children can also do activities online with some must mention resources like Surfe Be, E learning for kids and more.

A site for anyone involved with children especially parents and teachers, providing them with fun resources and activities for children.


Latest Additions ..

dinosaur tshirt parasaurolophusdinosaur tshirt trexIsometric PaperGraph Paper 3D Shapes Sheet3D ShapesRegular polygonsPolygonsBook Review TemplatePlatonic solidsSudoku for kidsTeddy Bear ColouringtetrahedronCubeOctahedronDodecahedronIcosahedronchocolate cake recipecastlemedieval feastjesterknight on horsemedieval word searchmedieval knight with two handed swordmedieval knight lordchocolate plum cakechocolate brownieschocolate fudge recipeladybird life cycledinosaur word matchdinosaur name word searchdinosaur word searchfairy word matcheaster thank you carddaffodileaster selectioneaster word searchrecipe hot cross bunseaster nest recipedesign your own easter eggchinese dragon2 times tablesbutterfly word searchfairy playful forestmake your own fairy crowncomplete the fairy toadstool picturemake your own girls fairy room signfairy colouringfairy colouringfairy colouringgingerbread hearts

We would love to hear from you if you have any feedback or suggestions of any activities or resources you would like to see on the site. Please and we will do our best to include it.